peripheral neuropathy
The term Peripheral Neuropathy refers to a group of neurological disorders which affects the nerves lying outside the brain and spinal cord.  Most commonly peripheral neuropathies result in symptoms of muscle weakness and sensory impairment. The pattern of symptoms will depend on the cause of the neuropathy but typically symptoms will be symmetrical affecting both arms or both legs. At Tyrrell Physiotherapy, Swords, Co. Dublin management of peripheral neuropathies is centred around maintaining muscle power and joint flexibility, preserving function and mobility.  Provision of appropriate orthotics, splints or aids will help this process and an important aspect of our management strategy will include referral to other the appropriate health professionals including Occupational Therapists, Orthotists and Podiatrists. In many cases following assessment and provision of an appropriate treatment plan, periodic reviews will be recommended to monitor and manage symptoms helping to maintain a satisfactory lifestyle. Again this will very much depend on the type of neuropathy extent of impairment and personal goals.
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